Family Events
All families deserve to come together in a safe, non-judgmental way and be free to be themselves. Our goal is that our events are intergenerational and open to all children and siblings. We will occasionally organise days out to places such as Dynamic Earth or spend a few hours with John Muir Alpacas. We're also open to suggestions for visits.
We offer monthly Inclusive Family Play sessions at West Barns Village Hall. Here, the children can play and explore while the adults can have a brew and a friendly chat.
Sensory Space - Our venue is fantastic as it has the capacity for us to have a separate, quiet, sensory space for anyone who may be feeling overwhelmed by what's going on in the main hall. We're constantly adding to our equipment and are on the lookout for funding or donations of bigger items such as light tubes and fibre optics.
During the session, we have arts & crafts, Lego, Minecraft, puzzles, snacks, and many books and other toys. There is no pressure for children to participate in anything as the session aims to be relaxed and allow them space to move around, read, or even bring their favourite toy or game. It's a relaxed atmosphere, with no music or bright lights, with volunteers covering the exits and entrances.
Every member of the family is welcome (excluding pets, sorry!)